


The source of this came from a long time ago, when I was doing some introspection regarding the characters that I used when story roleplaying. I realized this- nearly all of my characters were outsiders in one way or another. There was my spirit who was emotionally detached from absolutely everything around her. An orphan with a monster inside of him that came out whenever he was touched. A hyper intelligent artist who quietly wrote out the importance of those around her even when she was part of a group. A failed human experiment with a size deficiency and a mean temper. And that's just the top of the iceberg.

I wrote outsiders, and was good at it. Why? For the obvious reason- I myself was an outsider. I was the kid that stayed inside all day because nobody wanted to hang out, or at least I didn't believe that they did. I was the guy that followed rather than led, and that found a quiet place whenever I wasn't sure what to do. When there was a party, I needed to go to the kitchen to be alone at least once.

In fact, my existence of "Outsider" became so glaring to me that I even took the title of "Professional Outsider" in forums. Truth be told, I still hold that title, and will likely continue to hold it. Because although I'm gradually becoming more social, I feel that I'm still an outsider. I see myself as different. Unique. Special, if you insist, although I wouldn't. 'Special' seems to suggest that I'm better than others because of my differences, which I fail to see. I'm simply my own individual, and I'm happy with that.

The picture in my header in particular has been used as my signature on forums for some time now, with some variations. Firstly, I used most of the picture with the signature. If you search "outsider" on Google, an uncropped version of this picture should appear. Second, the format is a little different. On the bottom of the original, I placed my title, while here I left it out. Third, the style has changed. In the original, the text shown here was all white while Professional Outsider was in black. In this one, I simply changed which word I made black.